Do Small Business Need Inventory Visibility In Real-Time?

This digital world has come up with the necessity of the newest technology named AI which no-doubt works in real-time. So, whatever your business deals with, it requires inventory visibility and that visibility can only be ignited with some of the best WooCommerce inventory management plugins

All right! But can I glance at any real and day-to-day life instance? Why not, keep glancing here we are up with an on-going digital world instance. 

The rise of online stores and digital users has brought with it, huge user expectations than ever before. 

Going forth, product delivery has become the norm and buyers that are unable to meet their products within delivery allotted time find their growth stagnates and they even sometimes decline the product order. 

This order fulfillment and user expectations completely depend on the strength of the store’s order management system. 

This is where we recognize the importance of inventory visibility across the supply chain of any store’s order management system. 

Again. I’m will recall my line! Whatever your business is, it requires inventory visibility and to ignite this visibility read out this article till the end. 

Note: If you are not fond of reading then went out with the fishing of best inventory management plugin i.e, TradeGecko!

Before all let’s discuss the inventory visibility.

What is Inventory Visibility?

Don’t you want to track your products stocks on hand, on hold and being sold at any given point of time? If I would have any online store today then the first thing I would have done is the tracking of my stock. For sure, you also have done so. 

Guess what, Inventory visibility is the same, #the tracking of the inventory so-called stock. 

Yes, Inventory visibility is the tracking of inventory across locations to which the sale of goods is made, the inventory you had in hold and whatnot. 

So, if you have the inventory visibility tool with you in such a real-time digital world, your business must improve the order management.

But, here is a question – Which business need it and which don’t? For sure this is an effective question as to this you must know whether your store is too small for inventory visibility or not! Let’s understand the same…

How to know whether my business is too much for inventory visibility to matter?

A fatal error, which many businesses do, is to delay implementing an automated inventory management system that is able to provide real-time inventory visibility until it is too late.

The allocation of resources to use inventory management tools may seem like overkill for a small business, however, having inventory visibility at every point in your supply chain benefits from day one. Inventory visibility can help businesses track demand over time, predict high sales periods and slopes, reduce holding costs and prevent stockouts.

The more historical data you have to work with, the deeper the accuracy of your inventory visibility and your supply chain will be.

Points to consider while implementing solutions for inventory visibility 

To the supply chain, the following points are key to consider while implementing solutions for inventory visibility in 

01: Process Adoption + Internal Change Management

As with any new system or process, adopting an inventory management system that gives you real-time inventory visibility means an overhaul of legacy inventory management processes. To reduce friction during the adoption process, select an inventory solution that allows for easy data transfer.

Additionally, onboarding is an important part of change management. Ensure that inventory managers are trained to extract inventory data at every point in the supply chain journey.

02: Data Security and Gained Trust 

Assigning third-party vendors with inventory or supply chain data is a cause for concern with many companies, especially if they are already managing their inventory. The rise of information technology has also given rise to information hacking globally.

Going forth, these both – the data security and the gained trust should be at one’s first priority while working on inventory visibility. 

Which Solution Fits Your Needs?

The supply chain of each business is unique, as are its sales cycles, supplier relationships, distribution channels, and methods. As a result, it can be challenging to find a one-size-fits-all solution. Pricing for inventory visibility solutions can range from a few dollars per month to thousands of dollars.

The goal is to find the sweet spot between customizability and affordability for growing businesses. TradeGecko integrates with dozens of third-party supply chain and sales solutions, making it ideal for complex supply chains and businesses that are planning to expand. 

TradeGecko gives small businesses full visibility into their inventory health and movements, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and prepare them for long-term growth. Take advantage of real-time inventory visibility today and accelerate the growth of your business.


Experts conclusion say that small or big whatever business you are running needs inventory visibility. So, hurry up and get the best inventory visibility tool named the TradeGecko!

Often, we are very well aware that having a business is not a doddle these days. After having it too lose the market is a big loss which a small business owner can’t bear. 

To this, one might be gazing for a system that can manage his/her business inventory visibility. So, it’s not a manual task that can be performed out by the manager. Managers can but they will charge much more salary and whatnot. So better is to go with a WooCommerce inventory management plugin.

Last but not least, if you find the blog informative then do share and get at war done in the comment section below. 

Post Author: Amit Sharma

Me (Amit Sharma)is an all-time professional Writer and very honest sincere and up-front blogger works with

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